Embracing the New Year

Embracing the New Year

The piece that is the featured one for this blog is made, mostly, from linen and cotton I dyed and printed at The Barn in November. As always I used…

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Color Dreams

I haven't posted for awhile. I've been at Nancy Crow's Timber Barn studying with Claire Benn, and came back so inspired and full of ideas and color I've done almost…

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New Interview up at Etruscan Press
©teake zuidema. sept 16, 2107.

New Interview up at Etruscan Press

I’m really happy about this new interview that’s up at the Etruscan Press site where I discuss writing and art. Check it out! https://etruscanpress.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/SSG-interview-1.6.pdf

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Another announcement: I've been accepted as a part of the artist collective at Kobo Gallery in Savannah. Here's a link to the gallery where you can purchase both my books…

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One Hundred

My recent work with Claire Benn at the Crow Barn was inspiring and informative, as usual, and I returned home with lots of new techniques, and Claire's voice in my…


Sunset, Death and Marriage

I just finished these three pieces, all of which were painted with earth minerals, and all of which are either stretched onto or mounted onto canvas, a first for me.…

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"Finishing" is not my favorite part of fiber art design, but I know that if I haven't finished my piece well it signifies I don't care about it. Just as…

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